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Adventure Medical Ben's Permanone Gear Treatment

item # 0006-7601


  • Ben's® Complete Clothing and Gear contains 0.5% Permethrin to kill biting insects on contact. Apply to your clothing and gear before your trip for an extra level of protection against mosquitoes, ticks, biting flies, and other insects. The formula bonds to the fibers in fabric for protection that lasts up six weeks or six wash cycles, which ever comes first. Each bottle contains enough repellent to treat four complete outfits or one set of gear.
  • Features:
  • Kills on Contact
  • Easy to use ergonomic grip multi purpose spray bottle
  • Lasting Protection - Stay bug free with a second line of defense.
  • Stays on fabric for up to two weeks - Keep mosquitoes and ticks off of your clothes and out of your tent.
  • Size: 5 in. x 2.65 in. x 10 in.
  • Weight: 1.65lbs